Orientation and Immersion Webinar event for all new WSG members

Orientation and Immersion Webinar event for all new WSG members
October 4, 2020 Admin

On Saturday 26 September 2020, via Zoom, new members were inducted into the Work Study Group. This is the collegiate-leadership organ of #FixPolitics and currently made up of over fifty Nigerians of character, competence, and capacity from diverse fields of endeavor and states of the country. These Nigerians are bound by their common Vision for “A country where politics is inclusive, the needs of citizens are prioritized, democratic principles are respected, such that good governance is the norm.”

The Mission of #FixPolitics is “to elevate the Office of the Citizen to its rightful place in our nation and develop a political class of servant leaders”. Accordingly, the tripod of programs designed is anchored on the centrality of citizens in nurturing a democracy that works for everyone. The pillars are:

  • an empowered and engaged electorate,
  • a value-based political class and
  • a reformed constitutional, political, and electoral environment.


The Core Values of #FixPolitics are

  • Fearlessness
  • Inclusive
  • Resilience
  • Education
  • Service
  • Justice


We organized the acronym of our Core Values to read as “FIRES of Justice”

On behalf of #FixPolitics, these members were invited to the Work Study Group (WSG) based on the outcomes of the rigorous evaluation process that followed their nomination.


  1. IYAMU OSARENREN ROY 4 years ago

    I strongly belief that fixing Nigerian is workable and doable, we need sincere and responsible citizens to get involve in fixing the Nigerian state.
    I will want to be a part of this history making process and am ready to learn through the process of actualizing this goal.

  2. CLIFFORD UROH 4 years ago

    This initiative must go far and wide to reach every Nigerian in all communities to raise each person to the Office of the Citizen. I would contribute my quota to the promotion of this course. Nigeria belongs to all of us.

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